
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Training of Dogs

Jumping Up on People

Dogs often jump up on people. They stand on their rear legs with their front paws on the person. This is normal behavior for a young dog. Puppies of wild canids do it all the time. They jump up on each other or their parents. Puppies of our domestic dogs do the same.
Jumping up serves both as play and to teach them how to act as a predator or how to challenge other pack members in the dominance hierarchy.
In some homes, puppies are encouraged to jump up on their owners. Obviously, this is a mistake. While it may be seen as cute or as a sign of affection while the puppy is small, it can be terrifying when done by a 100-pound Rottweiler.
Numerous owners complain about their dogs doing this.
They shout "No" or "No, get down" or any of a wide range of phrases that make perfect sense to them but that are not understood by the dog.
They scream and punish the animals but little seems to help. Some of the peoples actions may excite the dog even more, and when this occurs, nothing is learned.
In all honesty, this behavior can be eliminated completely in a week or less, and as usual, we do not think you need to say anything.
You need to communicate to the pet that this is not acceptable behavior and should not be done, but do not waste words or try to make up new phrases to correct it.